Book Online

To make it easier and simpler for patients to choose a convenient appointment time we have switched to an online booking system.


  1. First, you will need to register.
    1. The 'Book Online' button takes you to our online booking portal to collect essential contact details and set up a password.
  2. Once you’ve registered a confirmation email is sent to confirm you have registered.
    1. If you don’t receive an email check your Junk folder, or email
  3. Once you are registered you can use the Portal to make an appointment. Login and browse the available appointment dates and times and select the one you want.
  4. You will be asked to pay a 50% deposit. This deposit is refundable up to 48 hours before your appointment. Initial Consultations are $180 and include a follow-up consultation to discuss test results.
    1. Post-consultation reviews can also be booked for existing clients. This 30-minute review of your progress is $90.
  5. The email to confirm your appointment contains a new patient questionnaire and information sheet.
  6. You will receive an email and an SMS text message to remind you of your appointment time.
  7. The balance of the appointment fee will be required at your appointment.